DRINK RECIPES > NON ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PASSION PINEAPPLE TEA ANDROS INGREDIENTS I/ INGREDIENTS: 40ml ANDROS Pineapple Chunky 120ml Oolong tea 30ml Passion fruit 20ml Sugar syrup Ice cubes II/ METHODS: Shake all ingredients with ice and pour into the glass. Decorate with green leaves. Share Andros Professional Chunky – Pineapple Similar Recipes STRAWBERRY CLOUDMarch 12, 2021 ANDROS Strawberry Chunky MYSTERYMarch 5, 2021 ANDROS Pineapple Chunky LOVE ROSIEMarch 4, 2021 ANDROS Frozen Strawberry ANDROS Lychee & Rose Chunky PASSION PINEAPPLE TEA2020-06-042021-09-15https://andros-vietnam.com/wp-content/uploads/andros-asia-logo.pngANDROS VIETNAMhttps://andros-vietnam.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/reau2.jpg200px200px
MYSTERYMarch 5, 2021 ANDROS Pineapple Chunky LOVE ROSIEMarch 4, 2021 ANDROS Frozen Strawberry ANDROS Lychee & Rose Chunky